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picture1_Planning Ppt 69864 | Budget Reform Pb Monika Geppl Eng 0

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File: Planning Ppt 69864 | Budget Reform Pb Monika Geppl Eng 0
outline overview budget reform performance budgeting framework gender budgeting example education 2 austrian federal budget reform primary motivation improved budgetary decision making addresses the following weaknesses of the former system ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Outline overview budget reform performance budgeting framework gender example education austrian federal primary motivation improved budgetary decision making addresses the following weaknesses of former system no binding medium term perspective prevailing focus on inputs control monopoly classic cameralistics as a comprehensive steering instrument for resources outputs outcomes implementation in two stages and st nd stage discipline planning expenditure mtef strategy report key elements flexibility line ministries result oriented through full carry forward management possibilities without administrative units earmarking incl new accrual structure accounting lump sum budgets principles outcome orientation efficiency transparency true fair view process forecasts top down mof quarterly basis targets by an independent negotiations research passed institute parliament may annual controlling implementing year reporting speech laws projects october shifting funds reserves before end amendmen...

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