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picture1_Slide Vcd308 Vcd308 Slide 4

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File: Slide Vcd308 Vcd308 Slide 4
no materi 1 penjelasan rps dan pengantar metodologi desain 2 sejaran perkembangan desain 3 konsep desain 4 tinjauan terhadap metode pendesainan baru 5 designers creativity as blackbox 6 designer rationality ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...No materi penjelasan rps dan pengantar metodologi desain sejaran perkembangan konsep tinjauan terhadap metode pendesainan baru designers creativity as blackbox designer rationality glassbox desainer sebagai system pengendali proses ujian tengah semester pengambilan keputusan dalam analisis untuk evaluasi eksplorasi pengarah bentuk strategi design problems mengenai contoh urutan tahapan format tugas akhir konsultasi minggu tenang prototyping critical function prototype prototypes aim to address one particular user issue needs and insights discovered during the space exploration are transferred into functions a verb noun or action define what should do include e g enable grip capture specific question essential further explore an interesting part of these focus on tangible creation experience physical thing that helps team learn from watching people use it dark horse challenges previously made assumptions seems outside perspective unlikely develop final solution by exploring rejected ide...

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