IDEAS ABOUT MARKETING • An Activity • A Function • A Management Process • An Orientation • A Social Philosophy MARKETING APPROACH A recognition by the organisation of the primacy of customer values in exchange... ...and the focusing of the whole organisation and all its activities on mutually satisfying exchanges with customers CORE CONCEPTS • EXCHANGE • VALUE • THE TRANSACTION • THE RELATIONSHIP (1990’s) THE EXCHANGE PROCESS • UNDERSTANDING - customer values and behaviours • CREATING - customer ...
Introduction to Business Courses • BUS 100: Functional Areas of Business –An introduction to Accounting, Economics, Finance, Information Systems, Management, and Marketing. –Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: • Communicate the fundamental roles that each functional area of business plays within an organization. • Demonstrate an understanding of the way that each of these function areas works with one another within an organization. • Evaluate career choices within each business field. Introduction to Business ...
What is Marketing? What is Marketing? • Process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want need want through creating and exchanging exchanging products and value with others. products • More simply: Marketing is the delivery of customer satisfaction at a profit. Core Marketing Core Marketing Concepts Concepts Needs, wants, Products and demands and Services Core Core Marketing Marketing Concepts Concepts Markets Value, satisfaction, and quality Exchange, transactions, and relationships What Motivates a Consumer What Motivates a ...
Setelah menyelesaikan bab ini, Anda akan dapat: Sebutkan area fungsional utama operasi yang digunakan dalam bisnis Membedakan antara proses bisnis dan fungsi bisnis Identifikasi jenis data yang dihasilkan setiap area fungsional utama Identifikasi jenis data yang dibutuhkan setiap area fungsional utama Tentukan sistem informasi terintegrasi, dan jelaskan mengapa mereka penting lingkungan bisnis yang kompetitif secara global saat ini 2 Pendahuluan • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) programs: Core software yang digunakan oleh perusahaan untuk mengkoordinasikan informasi dalam setiap wilayah bisnisnya &ndash ...