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picture1_Planning Ppt 69673 | Chapter 24

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File: Planning Ppt 69673 | Chapter 24
lesson 24 1 family plans goals describe the steps costs and planning involved in getting married discuss important family living decisions outline the steps needed to plan a successful vacation ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Lesson family plans goals describe the steps costs and planning involved in getting married discuss important living decisions outline needed to plan a successful vacation chapter south western cengage learning slide marriage commitment engagement when couple decides commit life together they become engaged or formally pledged each other an period of six months year allows time prepare for wedding make future set joint continued premarital counseling many honest discussions about values should precede it s also issues that may affect such as career political religious beliefs roles who pays bills hobbies vacations preferences habits some religions require premarriage sessions ceremony budget worksheet guest list party consists people are active participants paying related expenses type formal be held daytime evening well guests wear attire semiformal usually is during afternoon early with less required informal outside church almost anywhere...

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