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picture1_Linear Regression Ppt 69669 | Regression Analyses

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File: Linear Regression Ppt 69669 | Regression Analyses
linear regression polynomial regression red curve fits the data better than the green curve situations where the relation between the dependent and independent variable seems to be non linear we ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Linear regression polynomial red curve fits the data better than green situations where relation between dependent and independent variable seems to be non we can deploy models quantile percentile generally use it when outliers high skeweness heteroscedasticity exist in aims estimate either conditional median or other quantiles of response try given values x s logistic is binary y follows binomial distribution hence not normal error terms are normally distributed cox survival analysis proportional hazards model investigating effect several variables upon time a specified event takes happen e g from first heart attack second dual targets set for continuous representing status whether occurred...

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