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picture1_Statistics Powerpoint 69611 | 04c   Bfug Wg On Reporting   Mobility Indicators 607818

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File: Statistics Powerpoint 69611 | 04c Bfug Wg On Reporting Mobility Indicators 607818

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Benchmark indicator leuven and louvain la neuve communique in at least of those graduating the european higher education area should have had a study or training period abroad jan statistics what says target refers to graduates not mobile students enrolled includes implicitly long term short mobility seems refer outbound leaves open types be considered credit other which destinations taken into account whole world countries ehea level cycle bachelor master both studies graduate during place proposal for percentage that coming from graduated country different their origin spent rendering programme they completed number as destination full total supplementary indicators distinguishing between diploma extending by socio economic background balance inbound across measuring integration share worldwide detail scope terms combine purpose gaining after return home institution is aware collected but can integrated current data collection tools...

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