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picture1_Science Ppt 69332 | Tx Council Conference Presentation Performance Improvement

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File: Science Ppt 69332 | Tx Council Conference Presentation Performance Improvement
presentation objectives and content learning objectives upon completion of this event participants should be able to distinguish performance quality improvement as a separate function from compliance develop and implement a ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Presentation objectives and content learning upon completion of this event participants should be able to distinguish performance quality improvement as a separate function from compliance develop implement plan defining models tools e g pdsa cycles scorecards etc the importance stakeholder i consumers staff community stakeholders involvement in creating culture what is according u s department health human services dhhs resources administration hrsa consists systematic continuous actions that lead measurable care status targeted patient groups p definition clearly inclusive mental idd institute for healthcare ihi defines science an applied emphasizes innovation rapid cycle testing field spread order generate about changes which contexts produce improvements it characterized by combination expert subject knowledge with methods multidisciplinary drawing on clinical systems theory psychology statistics other fields para taken directly b measures are designed measure derived or practice g...

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