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picture1_Statistical Methods Ppt 69145 | 100018652

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File: Statistical Methods Ppt 69145 | 100018652
quality gurus william edwards deming joseph moses juran philip bayard crosby w edwards deming the big man oct 14 1900 dec 20 1993 ph d in physics american author statistician ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Quality gurus william edwards deming joseph moses juran philip bayard crosby w the big man oct dec ph d in physics american author statistician professor and consultant best known for pdca cycle his points on during wwii taught control war effort ignored after contd japan from onwards top management how to improve design product testing sales through various statistical methods prize high level of achievement practices made a significant contribution s later reputation innovative products its economic power awarded national medal technology philosophy or service possesses if it helps somebody enjoys good sustainable market variation is cause poor process manufacture test surveys redesign improvement chain reaction provide jobs more stay capture higher business share with better productivity less mistakes improves lower price rework costs fewer delays go down use processes machine time materials...

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