CONTENT INTRODUCTION THEORY INSTRUMENTATION APPLICATION INTRODUCTION When a electromagnetic radiation (light) strikes a suspended particle in solution, some of the light will be absorbed by the particle, some will be transmitted through the solution and some of the light will be scattered or reflected. The amount of light scattered is proportional to the concentration of insoluble particle in biphasic system . This will be focus on the concept of light scatter and measured the scattered light. THEORY Scattered light may be measured by TURBIDIMETRY NEPHELOMETRY TURBIDIMETRY:- In turbidimetry, the intensity of light transmitted through the medium, the unscattered light, is measured ...
TURBIDIMETRY • • Turbidimetry is involved with measuring the amount of transmitted light (and calculating the absorbed light) by particles in suspension to determine the concentration of the substance in question. • Amount of absorbed light, and therefore, concentration is dependent on ; 1) number • of particles, and 2) size of particles. • • Measurements are made using light spectrophotometers CLINICAL APPLICATIONS • Determination of the concentration of total protein in biological fluids such as urine and CSF which contain small quantities of protein (mg/L quantities) using trichloroacetic acid • Determination of amylase activity using starch as substrate. The decrease ...
Topics: Laboratory methods of assessment of humoral immunity. Radioimmunoassay, enzyme immunoassay Laboratory measurement of specific IgE antibodies. Laboratory measurement of autoantibodies. Laboratory methods of assessment of cellular immunity. Flow cytometry - principles, practical use. Laboratory methods of assessment of humoral immunity all methods use an antigen (Ag) – antibody(Ab) reaction as their primary means of detection we assess either Ag or Ab Laboratory methods of assessment of humoral immunity • Precipitation – immunodiffussion immunoelectrophoresis turbidimetry nephelometry • Agglutination • Radioimmunoassay, enzyme immunoassay • Immunofluorescence Immunodiffusion Diagnostic test which involves diffusion of Ag or Ab through a substance such as agar ...