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picture1_Strategy Presentation 68969 | Class08 (color) Corporate Strategy Global

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File: Strategy Presentation 68969 | Class08 (color) Corporate Strategy Global
corporate level strategy corporate level strategy a corporate level strategy is an action taken to gain a competitive advantage through the selection and management of a mix of businesses competing ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Corporate level strategy a is an action taken to gain competitive advantage through the selection and management of mix businesses competing in several industries or product markets what should firm be how office manage its group vertical integration strategic alliances diversification portfolio add value enable company one business units perform more creation functions at lower cost way which supports differentiation creates configuration coordination multi market activities defining number stages s service chain that particular engages defines forward when coca cola began buying previously franchised independent bottlers backward home box producing own movies for screening on hbo cable channel understanding raw materials bac kwa rd tegr atio manufacturing n forw ard inte grat ion distribution summary creating better than competitors determining whether internal external supplier customer coordinating these along scope voigt fall...

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