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picture1_Business Plan Ppt Slideshare 68855 | Despegar

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File: Business Plan Ppt Slideshare 68855 | Despegar
agenda agenda current situation current situation how the idea was born how the idea was born what is despegar com what is despegar com strategy business model strategy business model ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Agenda current situation how the idea was born what is despegar com strategy business model economic outlook for latin america competitive environment proposed solution vision be leading provider of on line travel services in we are towards end internet changing way done five mba graduates from fuqua developing a plan an agency to serve their objective become one first american e ventures financed by us venture capitalists opportunity successful models expected market growth tourism latam industry structure geographically disperse information intensive buying process no dominant players substandard customer service high transaction costs lack transparency most important commerce category usa insurance financial computer software hardware n i books l magazines o music videos g flowers gifts y automobiles u b toys h office products t specialized sporting goods w consumer electronics appliances r apparel f groceries food m general total online c tools home repair spending mm s furnishings...

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