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picture1_Research Design Slideshare 68583 | Intro Statistics

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File: Research Design Slideshare 68583 | Intro Statistics
statistics and research design statistics theory and method of analyzing quantitative data from samples of observations to help make decisions about hypothesized relations tools used in research design research design ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Statistics and research design theory method of analyzing quantitative data from samples observations to help make decisions about hypothesized relations tools used in plan structure the investigation so as answer questions or hypotheses analogy is blueprint study designs statistical procedures are craft conduct studies logic hypothesis testing decision making process that links there two types descriptive involve tabulating depicting describing inferential predicts estimates characteristics a population knowledge only sample scales measurement nominal no numerical properties way classify groups categories gender male female major rc ph ordinal rank order levels variable being studied particular value placed between numbers rating scale movie ratings stars star cont interval difference on meaningful intervals equal size absolute zero allows for comparisons things measured temperatures thermometer same you cannot say degrees twice hot it warmer ratio do have an point than indicated abse...

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