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picture1_Anova Ppt 68565 | Ch14 Factorialexample

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File: Anova Ppt 68565 | Ch14 Factorialexample
3 x 4 two way anova complex dv dependent variable motor tasks score on a video game that simulates driving a large truck at night iv categorical independent variables sleep ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...X two way anova complex dv dependent variable motor tasks score on a video game that simulates driving large truck at night iv categorical independent variables sleep deprivation subjects spend four days in lab control allowed to follow their own schedule jet lag keep usual amount but not allow any during pm am interrupted no more hours time separated by awake total lack of stimulant placebo sugar pill told it is caffeine reward mild electric shocks for mistakes money good performance per combination data cont rol inter rupte d marginal mean s ppllaacecebboo ccaaffffeeiinnee rreewwaarrdd ccoonn m con trtrooll n trol jjeett lalagg iinntete inte rrrruupp rrup tteedd ted ttoottaa tota ll l lalacc lac kk k plot placeb caffei rewar o ne or main la effect g int interactio between e...

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