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picture1_Standard Deviation Ppt 68540 | 05 Discrete Probability 02

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File: Standard Deviation Ppt 68540 | 05 Discrete Probability 02
variance and standard deviation example variance and standard deviation of the number of radios sold in a week x radios p x probability x 2 p x x 0 p ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Variance and standard deviation example of the number radios sold in a week x p probability expected value summary or mean random variable is measure its central location summarizes variability values defined as positive square root e xf var f discrete distribution models binomial hyper negative poisson geometric four properties experiment consists sequence n identical trials two outcomes success failure are possible on each trial denoted by does not change from to stationarit independent y assumptio...

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