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picture1_Nursing Theories Ppt 68259 | Documentation For Rns

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File: Nursing Theories Ppt 68259 | Documentation For Rns
competency framework how do we assess we assess all the time we notice a patient s colour breathing mobility within seconds of our greeting we use all our senses to ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Competency framework how do we assess all the time notice a patient s colour breathing mobility within seconds of our greeting use senses to pick up cues but not record have intuitively picked why need nurses carry out comprehensive systematic nursing assessments and plan deliver evaluate safe competent person centred care nmc an assessment is gathering information make decision or it forms basis for planning implementing allows us identify needs preferences without no chance getting right holistic term holism comes from greek word meaning entire total physical psychological spiritual social aspects life are considered be closely interconnected approaching adaptable flexible in variety circumstances language terminology used appropriate audience accommodate diversity individuals their beliefs values inclusive views patients families carers...

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