objective organize our course offering by tracks in a way that is easily comprehensible to students identify any major gaps or duplications define logical course groupings sequences for students pursuing ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Objective organize our course offering by tracks in a way that is easily comprehensible to students identify any major gaps or duplications define logical groupings sequences for pursuing specific interests ways improve curriculum going forward proposed marketing department track strategy branding consulting innovation insight and growth analytics already defined managing brands identity experience through social media advertising immersion seminar the arts nyc luxury design of approach technology organic revenue high tech entrepreneurship new product development research systematic creativity business internet start up strategies large companies incumbent an introduction user catching waves emerging markets gip doing myanmar north africa environment vietnam behavioral economics decision making psychology consumer finance becoming better choice architects strategic insights developing qi responsive quantitative intuition qualitative planning also courses offered outside three prior top...