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File: Marketing Ppt 68085 | Wipo Ipl Ge 16 T7
the aim of the presentation the aim of the presentation is to seek connections between marketing communications and the unfair competition we will note which marketing communications are or may ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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     The aim of the presentation
      The aim of the presentation is to seek connections between 
       marketing communications and the unfair competition.
      We will note which marketing communications are or may be deemed 
       to be fair or unfair.
     Definitions of marketing, marketing 
     communication and basic types of competitive 
     behaviour punishable by unfair competition 
      Marketing is a business strategy, which aims to sell as many goods as 
       possible at premium prices.
      Marketing communications are signals by which the competitor is 
       trying to influence the behaviour of consumers, rival companies and 
       other market participants.
      Competitive behaviour is possible to divide as fair or unfair. The 
       extreme poles  of fair and unfair behaviour are: 
     We can find marketing communications, betwen the extreme poles, which 
     fairness is not clear. We say that they are in grey zones. Their fairness or 
     unfairness can be judged by court.
     Private law legislation of unfair competition 
     in the Czech Republic under New Civil Code 
      The unfair competition is included in the Act 89/2012 Coll. (called New Civil Code) 
       from the 1th of January 2014. 
      The Act provides us the conditions under which marketing communication could be 
       described as fair or unfair.
      The unfair competition law is based on general clause (§2976 (1) NCC) and on the 
       illustrative list of special legal classifications (§ 2976 (2) NCC). 
      The list is only illustrative , which means that, the other competitive activities of 
       unfair competition can occur in practice.
      Special legal classifications are the most common competitive conducts of unfair 
       competition, which are conceived more specifically in the provisions §§ 2977 – 
       2987 NCC.
      Means of legal protection against unfair competition and the persons entitled to 
       request application in the court, are governed in provisions §§ 2988 and 2989 NCC. 
      General clause and judge made (judicial) legal 
      classification of unfair competition – parasitism 
      or „free - riding“
       General clause in provision § 2976 (1) NCC contains the basic conditions to be 
       done for the Unfair competition:
      A. Acting in the economic contact, 
      B. The conduct is contrary to good morals of the competition,
      C. The conduct is capable of causing injury to other competitors or other customers.
       The basic conditions of the general clause must be met cumulatively – they are 
       necessary and sufficient. 
       The unfair competitive conducts under general clause which repeated often in the 
       practice are called „judge made legal classifications“.
       Judge made legal classifications are not expressly governed in NCC, but they can 
       be inferred on the basis of the three conditions of the general clause.
       The example of one of the judicial legal classifications of the unfair competition is 
       parasitism or „free – riding“.
     Judicial legal classification: „Free - riding“ 
     – take apart lorry and slavish imitation
      Original                                                            Slavish imitation
      Child´s toy – take apart lorry                            Child´s toy – take apart 
      Producer: DETOA Albrechtice s.r.o.                    Producer: 
       WOODYLAND s.r.o.
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...The aim of presentation is to seek connections between marketing communications and unfair competition we will note which are or may be deemed fair definitions communication basic types competitive behaviour punishable by law a business strategy aims sell as many goods possible at premium prices signals competitor trying influence consumers rival companies other market participants divide extreme poles luring versus deception initiative aggression symbiosis parasitism can find betwen fairness not clear say that they in grey zones their unfairness judged court private legislation czech republic under new civil code included act coll called from th january provides us conditions could described based on general clause ncc illustrative list special legal classifications only means activities occur practice most common conducts conceived more specifically provisions protection against persons entitled request application governed judge made judicial classification free riding provision con...

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