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picture1_Marketing Ppt 68078 | Chapter 2

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File: Marketing Ppt 68078 | Chapter 2
the pepsi challenge was conducted with the use of neuromarketing which is a specific application of the field of brand research called neuroscience in the new fangled pepsi challenge the ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The pepsi challenge was conducted with use of neuromarketing which is a specific application field brand research called neuroscience in new fangled reward center brain revealed much stronger preference for versus coke when study participants were unaware they had tasted however result opposite knew name about to taste non blind test different region more activated and coca cola winner activation area associated cognitive functions that now preferred inferred explanation difference images possessing attractive image earned through years effective marketing advertising effort chapter two objectives explain concept equity from both company s customer perspectives describe positive outcomes enhancing present model perspective examine how marcom efforts must influence behavior achieve financial accountability term sign symbol or design combination them intended identify goods services one seller group sellers differentiate those competition definition can be considered either organization ...

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