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picture1_Marketing Ppt 67985 | Eoa611s Unit 5 (2) 2015

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File: Marketing Ppt 67985 | Eoa611s Unit 5 (2) 2015
1 agricultural marketing definition def agric marketing is the connecting link between farm producers and consumers the link involves two activities physical distribution concerned with physical handling processing transfer of ...

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...Agricultural marketing definition def agric is the connecting link between farm producers and consumers involves two activities physical distribution concerned with handling processing transfer of raw semi finished or goods from point production to consumption economic exchange price setting processes during stage system by different people consumer shopping trip supermarket farmers may associate loading cows into pickup truck send market food middlemen e g retailers wholesalers processors view as a process gaining competitive advantage over rivals improving sales profits agriculture performance all business involved in flow products services initial until they are hands has following implications gate before there should be thus begins at interdependence decision making this implies effectiveness quality influences efficiency inclusion supplies input supply industry resource base form part conflicts interested lowest possible while wants charge highest prices for their product markete...

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