copyright and terms of service copyright texas education agency the materials found on this website are copyrighted and trademarked as the property of the texas education agency and may not ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Copyright and terms of service texas education agency the materials found on this website are copyrighted trademarked as property may not be reproduced without express written permission except under following conditions public school districts charter schools centers reproduce use copies related for educational obtaining from residents state individual personal only any portion must in its entirety remain unedited unaltered unchanged way no monetary charge can made or document containing them however a reasonable to cover cost reproduction distribution charged private entities persons located that entity whether non outside obtain approval will required enter into license agreement involve payment licensing fee royalty all rights reserved value price pricing factors supply demand uniqueness age season complexity convenience money customer pay product includes costs operating expenses profit markup amount added set selling equal expected gross margin markdown reduction original marketi...