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picture1_Marketing Ppt 67862 | 1384419536

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File: Marketing Ppt 67862 | 1384419536
meaning of marketing environment marketing environment consists of all those internal and external forces which affect the marketing strategies modern marketer realizes that environmental scanning would provide them with continuous ...

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...Meaning of marketing environment consists all those internal and external forces which affect the strategies modern marketer realizes that environmental scanning would provide them with continuous interaction between customers business they are in according to philip kotler as factors a firm s ability develop maintain successful transactions relationships target nature may be static or dynamic when do not show significant change it is termed stable changes seen but degree predictable there some other have considerable influences on listed below increased competition b labour unrest c social d technological e fashion components affecting these either can grouped two broad categories i controllable ii uncontrollable includes effect policies decisions operations company include variables such product design branding packaging pricing advertising distribution achieve its objectives by selecting balanced mix adopted manufacturers attain success constitute considered an important part system...

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