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picture1_Scientific Powerpoint Templates 67785 | Video 1588615426909

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File: Scientific Powerpoint Templates 67785 | Video 1588615426909
introduction z industrialization is a process of contemplating rise in the levels of income meeting the consumer demands response to or stimulation for foreign trade and strengthening the economy through ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Introduction z industrialization is a process of contemplating rise in the levels income meeting consumer demands response to or stimulation for foreign trade and strengthening economy through better economic position all parties connected with what agriculture making dependable sustainable avocation bridging gap between farming community other sections society it contributes progressive elimination discrepancies agro based industry s support goes long way farmers more comfortable mutual assistance essential success both sector elements not sudden dramatic formation envisages continuing social changes includes innovations production accumulation capital expansion investment mechanization scientific know how about best seeds plants new method types fertilizers crop protection mechanism fair deal workers aims getting maximum profit market system access full employment equitable development effective providing irrigation facility reasonable finance into post harvest processing storing cha...

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