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picture1_Marketing Ppt 67780 | Medicare 104 Marketing

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File: Marketing Ppt 67780 | Medicare 104 Marketing
communication and marketing requirements agent and broker responsibilities hipaa privacy other responsibilities required by plan for internal use only 2 communication and marketing requirements communication and marketing overview overview of ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Communication and marketing requirements agent broker responsibilities hipaa privacy other required by plan for internal use only overview of each term including the activities materials that apply description general rules provision star ratings information instructions on how to access summary benefits provider pharmacy directory evidence coverage annual notice change formulary as applicable standards inappropriate prohibited conducting health screenings providing cash or monetary rebates making unsolicited contact potential consequences engaging in include but not limited report disciplinary actions termination forfeiture future compensation sales events definition appropriate promotion examples dos don ts refreshments snacks meals soliciting enrollment applications prior start aep requiring a prerequisite e g notification...

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