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picture1_Consumer Behaviour Ppt 67732 | Bba 6th Sesocial Class And Consumer Behaviour   Part  1 Cb By Danubha

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File: Consumer Behaviour Ppt 67732 | Bba 6th Sesocial Class And Consumer Behaviour Part 1 Cb By Danubha
meaning of social class social class usually is defined by the amount of status that members of a specific class possess in relation to members of other classes social class ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Meaning of social class usually is defined by the amount status that members a specific possess in relation to other classes membership often serves as frame reference for development consumer attitudes and behaviour meserment socail subjective its rely on an individual s self measuremen perception t reputational perceptions others objective it use socioeconomic mesures either alone or combination with lifestyles profiles life style various differ widely person lowest able buy only bare minimum requirements extreme there are rich elites because historical factors like zamidars india persons foreign countries who have inherited upper acquired wealth through success business industry service lifestyle they high priced cars house get best education their children treatment hospitals case illness this wants enjoyment looks future family level professionals young successful senior corporate executives small scale medium new busi nessmen fail group has come up hard work believe standard livi...

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