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picture1_Digital Marketing Templates Ppt 67663 | Chapter 9

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File: Digital Marketing Templates Ppt 67663 | Chapter 9
9 1 introduction managing digital marketing requires a constant review of new digital marketing opportunities a major transformation to digital business and social business in organizations is needed to fully ...

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...Introduction managing digital marketing requires a constant review of new opportunities major transformation to business and social in organizations is needed fully implement these capabilities businesses describes how technology can transform key processes out the old value chain into dynamic networks as part disruption reshuffled sequence so that started with purchase raw materials customers distributors partners are moved production more involved integrates goods services their flexible faster moving customer distribution driven extended network online sales after many face challenge areas chaffey planning organisational integration channels e commerce all electronically mediated transactions between an organization any third party it deals buy side bb buying or extranet used open up certain aspects applications data exclusive audience carefully selected suppliers be employee involves internal communications intranet empowers employees by opening access information sell help selling...

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