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picture1_Marketing Ppt 67401 | Kotler Pom 15e 02 4

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File: Marketing Ppt 67401 | Kotler Pom 15e 02 4
company and marketing strategy topic outline companywide strategic planning defining marketing s role planning marketing partnering to build customer relationships marketing strategy and the marketing mix managing the marketing effort ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Company and marketing strategy topic outline companywide strategic planning defining s role partnering to build customer relationships the mix managing effort measuring return on investment ccooppyyrriigghhtt bbyy ppeeaarrssoonn eedduuccaattiioonn is process of developing maintaining a fit between organization goals capabilities its changing opportunities steps in copyright by pearson education market oriented mission statement purpose what it wants accomplish larger environment we help you organize world information make defines universally accessible useful business terms satisfying basic needs setting objectives profitable increase share create local invest partnerships research improve profits promotion...

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