File: Marketing Ppt 67286 | Mktg12 Lambhairmcdaniel Ch06 Updated Sh
learning outcomes slide 1 of 2 6 1 explain why marketing managers should understand consumer behavior 6 2 analyze the components of the consumer decision making process 6 3 explain ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Learning outcomes slide of explain why marketing managers should understand consumer behavior analyze the components decision making process s postpurchase evaluation identify types buying decisions and discuss significance involvement describe how some marketers are reconceptualizing cengage all rights reserved cultural factors that affect social individual psychological importance understanding consumers product service preferences constantly changing processes a uses to make purchase as well use dispose purchased goods or services also includes influence value personal assessment net worth one obtains from enduring belief specific mode conduct is personally socially preferable another perceived expects obtain utilitarian derived helps solve problems accomplish tasks hedonic acts an end in itself rather than means traditional five step used by when steps include need recognition information search alternatives these represent which can be guide for studying...