File: Marketing Ppt 67284 | Mktg12 Lambhairmcdaniel Ch04 Updated Sh
learning outcomes slide 1 of 2 4 1 discuss the external environment of marketing and explain how it affects a firm 4 2 describe the social factors that affect marketing ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Learning outcomes slide of discuss the external environment marketing and explain how it affects a firm describe social factors that affect importance to managers current demographic trends growing ethnic markets identify consumer marketer reactions state economy cengage all rights reserved impact technology on political legal basics foreign domestic competition target market group people or organizations for which an organization designs implements maintains mix meet need resulting in mutually satisfying exchanges important order plan future environmental scanning involves understanding customers make decisions identifying most valuable their needs change is difficult variable forecast influence integrate into plans products buy price paid effectiveness specific promotions where when expect purchase american values america s core have strongly influenced americans attitudes lifestyles self sufficiency upward mobility work ethic equality individualism achievement orientation...