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picture1_Marketing Ppt 67283 | Mktg12 Lambhairmcdaniel Ch03 Updated Sh

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File: Marketing Ppt 67283 | Mktg12 Lambhairmcdaniel Ch03 Updated Sh
learning outcomes 3 1 explain the determinants of a civil society 3 2 explain the concept of ethical behavior 3 3 describe ethical behavior in business 3 4 discuss corporate ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Learning outcomes explain the determinants of a civil society concept ethical behavior describe in business discuss corporate social responsibility arguments for and against cause related marketing cengage all rights reserved slide control any means used to maintain behavioral norms regulate conflict standards proper or acceptable several modes are important ethics moral principles values that generally govern conduct an individual group laws often rules guidelines codified into law created by governments then enforced governmental authority formal informal groups businesses professional organizations clubs have codes self regulation involves voluntary acceptance established nongovernmental entities media open democratic play key role informing public about actions individuals both good bad active informed engaged can help mold discussion point what some present your classroom at college university how these maintained viewed as standard which is judged consists personal unwritten peop...

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