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picture1_Leadership Ppt 67260 | Gambar Tukang Bakso Kpku 2014

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File: Leadership Ppt 67260 | Gambar Tukang Bakso Kpku 2014
halim style 2013 4 main brain op profil perusahaan 7 gambaran umum perusahaan situasi perusahaan work core 5 6 driver 1 2 3 halim style 2013 konsep bisnis ekselen kpku ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Halim style main brain op profil perusahaan gambaran umum situasi work core driver konsep bisnis ekselen kpku kepemimpinan poin kategori menguji tindakan pimpinan senior di dalam mengarahkan dan menjamin keberlangsungan juga sistem tata kelola yang diterapkan ketaatan hukum praktek beretika menjalankan tanggung jawab sosial serta mendukung komunitas berpengaruh kuat bagi beretik ko iustrasi leadership visi mission values ip sh r e d a l y it il na b o si i n v po s gi al oc our system set and communicate continuously direction be role improve models in vision te g gr rn q organizational ua c or t stakeholder organize plan ti employee ze requirements align learning expectations customer ity force ve involve k wo am suppliers afety community motivate empower shareholders ha employees no teams ati rt uppo us om er fa tion li reward perform recognize to analyze compare...

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