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picture1_Marketing Ppt 67253 | Case  Study  On Amul Moiz

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File: Marketing Ppt 67253 | Case Study On Amul Moiz
introduction amul is an indian cooperative based industry located at anand district of gujarat amul the co operative came into existence in 1st december 1946 dr verghese kurien founder chairman ...

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...Introduction amul is an indian cooperative based industry located at anand district of gujarat the co operative came into existence in st december dr verghese kurien founder chairman gcmmf milk marketing federation ltd for more than years credited with success what does name suggests means amulya derived from sanskrit language suggested by a quality control expert which priceless acronym union limited about basically established before main aim to establish this society was stop exploitation consumer local cartels manipulative and unfair trade practices farmers approached shri sardar vallabhbhai patel solution he form first began kaira just daily production litres cont gradually flourished be known as spurred white revolution india made leading producer dairy products now everyday approximately collects million converts distributes consumers through lakhs retail outlets across country sales turnover increased three tier system structure consists village level affiliated turn federated ...

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