File: Digital Marketing Templates Ppt 67203 | Measuringibp Close
what is the best marketing the one that works the one where your target market and consumers get the message on their preferred modality the one that is remembered the ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...What is the best marketing one that works where your target market and consumers get message on their preferred modality remembered sparks buzz creates action or awareness measurable today i am focusing more online advertising as a part of an integrated brand comm strategy ibp measurement be transparent accountable investment not expense measure benchmark tweak again this quest for perfection doesn t stop don go feeling here results make communication objectives stemming from clear research shows roi data helps set realistic goals accountability measuring whole campaign broadcast digital events pr guerilla etc no size fits all use different methods problems examples my media measurements nielsen let s check out tv web ratings does each piece work together to reach at start big picture miss forest through trees ad can test well but perform horribly why new has stronger than old advertisers are shifting supply lower price traditional better if they haven yet getting daily google insights...