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picture1_Nursing Theories Ppt 67056 | 3789 Item Download 2022-08-28 03-00-08

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File: Nursing Theories Ppt 67056 | 3789 Item Download 2022-08-28 03-00-08
18 other benefits decision support tools as well as alerts and reminders notify the clinician of possible concerns or omissions an example of this is the documentation of patient allergies ...

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...Other benefits decision support tools as well alerts and reminders notify the clinician of possible concerns or omissions an example this is documentation patient allergies in computer system health care providers would be alerted to any discrepancies medication orders effective data management trend finding include ability provide historical current reports extensive financial information can collected analyzed for trends extremely important benefit era managed cost cutting related treatment such inpatient length stay lowest level provider required used decrease costs nursing informatics past was first defined use technology including clinical practice administration education research generation systems designed speed paperwork communication general accomplished by transferring what nurses had done on paper telephone these replaced records filing cabinets pneumatic tubes although helpful reducing time spent it did not address many fundamental issues until primary remained home with d...

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