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picture1_Photosynthesis Ppt 67004 | Centrafugation New

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File: Photosynthesis Ppt 67004 | Centrafugation New
centrifugation quantification cellular structure centrifugation beer lambert equation absorption efficiency cells in a leaf energy related organelles mitochondria bounded by double membrane cristae infoldings of inner membrane that encloses matrix ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Centrifugation quantification cellular structure beer lambert equation absorption efficiency cells in a leaf energy related organelles mitochondria bounded by double membrane cristae infoldings of inner that encloses matrix semifluid containing respiratory enzymes involved respiration produce most atp utilized the cell chloroplast infolded forms disc like thylakoids which are stacked to form grana suspended semi fluid stroma green due chlorophyll photosynthetic pigment found only membranes captures light drive machinery photosynthesis synthesizes carbohydrates from co ho makes own food using as carbon source poor compounds converted enery rich includes membranous sacs granum internal...

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