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picture1_Ppt Evaluation 66972 | 160511plant Improvement Bill Andinternational

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File: Ppt Evaluation 66972 | 160511plant Improvement Bill Andinternational
acronyms ista international seed testing association ostl official seed testing laboratory oecd organisation for economic cooperation and development ostl official seed testing laboratory pia plant improvement act upov international union ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Acronyms ista international seed testing association ostl official laboratory oecd organisation for economic cooperation and development pia plant improvement act upov union the protection of new varieties plants mission to develop adopt publish standard procedures sampling promote uniform application these evaluation moving in trade membership member laboratories personal members associate countries distinct economies south africa is a since annual contribution chf swiss frank r has one registrar only may vote benefits provides basis ensuring quality by developing methods platform research between scientists worldwide promotes opportunity publishing technological data guarantees harmonised through accreditation proficiency test auditing programmes services professional furthering education experience analysts around world website www seedtest org allows issue orange certificates oics locally produced be exported some accept imported with oic requires compulsory registration as accredi...

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