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picture1_Ppt Chemical 66902 | Lecture 7

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File: Ppt Chemical 66902 | Lecture 7
a fermentation product is produced by the culture of a certain organism or organisms in a nutrient medium if the fermentation is invaded by a foreign microorganism then the following ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...A fermentation product is produced by the culture of certain organism or organisms in nutrient medium if invaded foreign microorganism then following consequences may occur avoidance contamination be achieved using pure inoculums to start sterilizing me dium employed fermnter vessel all material added during process maintaining aseptic condition sterilization media sterilized filtration radiation ultrasonic treatment chemical heat however for practical reasons steam used universally major exception use animal cell such are completely soluble and contain labile components making method choice destruction micro described as first order reaction thus represented equation relationship above fig would observed only with one physiological form under ideal conditions value k not species dependent but depended on eg endopsore genus bacillus far more resistant than vegetative cells any rate increases increase temperature due an constant which case specific death true b w temp was demonstrated a...

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