department of botany open course offered to students of other department semester ii course subject points credits hrs wk booct2 1 plants in human welfare 100 4 4 evaluation scheme ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Department of botany open course offered to students other semester ii subject points credits hrs wk booct plants in human welfare evaluation scheme theory internal assessment term end examination tee theoretical classes know your exploitation microbes mushrooms their uses and cultivation environmental clean up by stress genetically modified crops plant resources conservation forensic science intellectual property rights nd programme physiology january june even detail courses components marks credit elective lectures for inter departmental fundamentals i general concept homeostasis ionic equilibrium resting membrane potentials action nerve impulse conduction mechanism synaptic transmission introduction receptors second messengers cell signaling ageing apoptosis elementary idea muscle body clock respiratory breathing oxygen carbon dioxide transport gas exchange at lungs tissues regulation respiration pulmonary function test iii hematology circulating fluids leukocytes ultra structure f...