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picture1_Chemistry Ppt 66883 | Dekran2

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File: Chemistry Ppt 66883 | Dekran2
advanced biological chemistry interests include diverse topics such as nucleic acids dna repair bioconjugate chemistry peptides and peptidomimetics glycoscience biomolecular structure and function and biological catalysis biophysical chemistry represents the ...

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...Advanced biological chemistry interests include diverse topics such as nucleic acids dna repair bioconjugate peptides and peptidomimetics glycoscience biomolecular structure function catalysis biophysical represents the union of physics biology using a variety experimental theoretical approaches to understand systems number technologies improve bio chemical measurements are under development among them is separation separations remain core tool in analytical involved anything from research pharmaceutical industry environmental analysis continued evolution methods chromatography electrophoresis driven by need for complex mixtures on smaller scale shorter times particular emphasis improving so that can be performed extremely small samples increase speed sub second levels rapid high throughput spectroscopic detectors applications including metabolomics proteomics glycomics neuroscience pharmaceuticals being explored what hplc basic principles...

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