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picture1_Microbiology Ppt Templates 66789 | Taxonomy 2

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File: Microbiology Ppt Templates 66789 | Taxonomy 2
b sc first year semester i paper i fundamentals of microbiology unit 2 taxonomy dr jadhav p n associate professor and head microbiology department deogiri college aurangabad figure bacterial morphology ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...B sc first year semester i paper fundamentals of microbiology unit taxonomy dr jadhav p n associate professor and head department deogiri college aurangabad figure bacterial morphology physiological metabolic characteristics some are very useful in classifying identifying microorganisms because they directly related to the nature activity microbial enzymes transport proteins most important used nutritional types cell wall components carbon nitrogen sources energy metabolism osmotic tolerance oxygen relationships temperature salt requirements secondary metabolites storage inclusions etc table taxonomically their variations ecological e relationship environment significantly contribute it is even closely may vary considerably with respect for convenience inhabiting freshwater marine terrestrial human body environments differ from one another those living different however life cycle patterns symbiotic pathogenic ph concentrations...

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