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picture1_Technology Ppt 66655 | Health Informatics And Technology Professional Responsibilites Qsen Ppt

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File: Technology Ppt 66655 | Health Informatics And Technology Professional Responsibilites Qsen Ppt
objectives describe the role and benefits of health informatics in the delivery of quality patient centered care discuss professional health care provider responsibilities for safeguarding confidential client information including hipaa ...

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...Objectives describe the role and benefits of health informatics in delivery quality patient centered care discuss professional provider responsibilities for safeguarding confidential client information including hipaa regulations explain possible consequences breaches privacy confidentiality use social technology or media as it relates to relationships with patients colleagues employers is communicate manage knowledge mitigate error support decision making qsen healthcare seen a potential method improving by providing up minute real time about s condition necessary minimizing errors an electronic record ehr that uses computerized functions such barcoding medication reconciliation order entry alerts reminders promoting meaningful improve thru exchange provide engage families via access personal portals coordination population public...

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