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picture1_Concepts Of Nursing Ppt 66583 | Nurs 425 Lecture 5 Transcultural Nursing

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File: Concepts Of Nursing Ppt 66583 | Nurs 425 Lecture 5 Transcultural Nursing
basic concepts transcultural nursing the study of the lifeways and patterns of persons of various cultures including their healthcare practices and nursing s role in that culture international nursing the ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Basic concepts transcultural nursing the study of lifeways and patterns persons various cultures including their healthcare practices s role in that culture international exchange nurses between or more nations cont d guide a group people worldview decision making cultural imposition situation where one forces values beliefs on another subculture diversity diverter latin being different having differences practice providing competent care to clients from conducting research multi settings implementing educational programs diverse population acculturation process adapting modifying an adopted as result contact with individual assimilation accepting some traits prevailing into own daily activities something regarded desirable worthy right belief standard moral precept tenet body tenets doctrine creed...

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