objectives 1 discuss the essential pillars of a health system in the world community 2 explain emerging innovations in nursing and health care articulate the relationship between an 3 educated ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Objectives discuss the essential pillars of a health system in world community explain emerging innovations nursing and care articulate relationship between an educated workforce walking beyond hospital door introduction systems are being developed to address needs families throughout organizations individuals actions whose primary purpose is promote restore or maintain unite through six who service delivery management quality nurses other key professionals information knowledge innovation scientific practical medical products vaccines technologies access drugs equipment financing stable adequate funds leadership governance stewardship vision oversight three for questions be asked how inputs services q organized managed should deliver high attention given demand safe effective cultural interventions with socioeconomic based on profile well trained nation s lay people provider network need them when needed where duplication tests minimum monitored costs controlled there continuity acros...