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picture1_Concepts Of Nursing Ppt 66541 | Ilmu Keperawatan Dasar 1 Pertemuan 12

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File: Concepts Of Nursing Ppt 66541 | Ilmu Keperawatan Dasar 1 Pertemuan 12
nurse healer objectives theoretical 1 synthesize the concepts of natural systems theory 2 compare and contrast the allopathic and holistic models of health care 3 describe the components of the ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Nurse healer objectives theoretical synthesize the concepts of natural systems theory compare and contrast allopathic holistic models health care describe components bio psycho social spiritual model practice standards nursing different eras medicine discuss activities national center for complementary alternative nccam clinical explore two ways to integrate a view into your determine if you use guide established by american hilistic nurses association ahna education research therapies personal daily life enhance well being develop short long term goals related increasing commitment developmental process definisi traditional medical surgery prosedur perawatan diagnostik invasif dan non caring healing intervention terapi tradisional yang dapat digabungkan dengan surgical digunakan sebagai pelengkap konvensional disebut juga sbg integrative or client individu keluarga kelompok atau komunitas manusia berinteraksi perawat holistik memperhatikan pada pengalaman subjektif klien tentang keseh...

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