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picture1_Introducing Ppt 66520 | Om4603

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File: Introducing Ppt 66520 | Om4603
today s schedule introduce myself introduce yourself syllabus and class structure operations intro and video kristens with operations strategy introducing myself joseph sarkis ph d from suny buffalo was in ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Today s schedule introduce myself yourself syllabus and class structure operations intro video kristens with strategy introducing joseph sarkis ph d from suny buffalo was in texas now massachusetts professor management research interests include business environment mcdm advanced manufacturing technology homepage www clarku edu jsarkis name a brief background schooling work experience concentration general fill out information sheet if you haven t done so reading case material p om chase aquilano packets bookstore hbs cases nacra readings reserve one article deming objective to provide introductory view into techniques methodologies for managing productive resources or an organization mix of qualitative quantitative discussion presentation...

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