File: People Management Ppt 66429 | 01 Introduction
applied software project management why do software projects fail people begin programming before they understand the problem everyone likes to feel that they re making progress when the team starts ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Applied software project management why do projects fail people begin programming before they understand the problem everyone likes to feel that re making progress when team starts code as soon begins see immediate gains problems become more complex always work gets bogged down in best case a too will end up writing good solves wrong http www stellman greene com andrew jennifer has an unrealistic idea about how much is involved from far away most seem simple solve teams can commit impossible deadlines by being overly optimistic and not thinking through few realize deadline until it s blown defects are injected early but discovered late address needs requirements specify incorrect behavior design architecture be technically flawed test plans miss functionality later these found likely cause programmers have poor habits don t accountable for their control of source written one person often difficult another which makes diagnosing fixing bugs expensive does sense overall health managers t...