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picture1_Aggression Ppt 66411 | 873902890mphil Pers Theories Adler

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File: Aggression Ppt 66411 | 873902890mphil Pers Theories Adler
alfred adler 1870 1937 core of personality i core tendency a will to power early up to around 1908 emphasized poser and aggression b striving for superiority or perfection after ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Alfred adler core of personality i tendency a will to power early up around emphasized poser and aggression b striving for superiority or perfection after probably the greatest source unhappiness is failure meet expectations similar self actualization but this process always occurs within social context teleology views motivation according some final purpose looks ideal design we cannot think feel act without perception goal aristotle everything has telos thus every acorn essence tree c pull theory by as opposed push causality freud ii characteristics organ inferiorities physiological defects that can trigger strong feelings inferiority normal inevitable weakness which result from our helplessness during childhood are not necessarily pathological undesirable may work overcome complex exaggerated including belief one s difficulties through appropriate effort d compensation overcoming real imagined practice developing abilities in different areas positive healthy larger helen keller demo...

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