File: People Management Ppt 66257 | Managing Remote Employees Final
toolkit overview audience this content is intended for line management who supervise one or more direct reports who are not co located with these tools are relevant for both temporary ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Toolkit overview audience this content is intended for line management who supervise one or more direct reports are not co located with these tools relevant both temporary and permanent virtual situations generally considered a best practice people challenges faced where you should focus managers working remote employees may face the to succeed managing in environment following cannot observe day workflows what does your establish clear expectations align of employee do on basis roles responsibilities goals teams trust it s harder build misunderstandings can occur frequently performance outcomes define determine approach see body language read how an measuring sharing feedback receiving having trouble based subtle clues like communicate effectively assess identify channels communicating time differences share ideas collaborate encourage team communication when don t work at same collaboration gartner inc its affiliates all rights reserved set around tip setting understanding their help...