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picture1_Communication Ppt 66216 | Geas Note Taking Ak L3y4

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File: Communication Ppt 66216 | Geas Note Taking Ak L3y4
why take notes help characterize participant s behavior and context document themes and questions to address in future interviews trigger memory help asking questions aid in transcription http www williamcronon ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Why take notes help characterize participant s behavior and context document themes questions to address in future interviews trigger memory asking aid transcription http www williamcronon net researching interviewimages oral histories fig lowres jpg what does it be an effective note taker taking tips strategic capture key words phrases instead of full quotes shorthand rather than computer use a format you feel comfortable with abbreviations acronyms expand on as soon possible after interview include group individual id records tracking code back up if recording engagement unclear interruptions provides distractions reluctance helps understand answer emotions transcripts behaviors non verbal carries meaning its communication own terms guide plan stories comments next outside process adolescent timeline people detailed both the construction timelines discussion summarize form immediately asap afterwards not necessary might disturb flow thoughts b parent want brief cues c...

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