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picture1_Interview Skills Ppt 66177 | Interview Skills Pres1 U

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File: Interview Skills Ppt 66177 | Interview Skills Pres1 U
objectives preparing for an interview interview skills last impressions potential interview questions summary what is an interview a somewhat formal discussion between a hirer and an applicant or candidate typically ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Objectives preparing for an interview skills last impressions potential questions summary what is a somewhat formal discussion between hirer and applicant or candidate typically in person which information exchanged with the intention of establishing s suitability position preparation do your homework job description specification advert essential criteria list qualities needed relate these to experiences know own cv portfolio learn about company organisation website related sector organisations social media newspapers magazines etc speak people within leaflets brochures find out will you be given tour have give presentation sit test written practical cont think might asked role personal examples demonstrated prepare practice answers would like answered route planning where are going how get there long it take run if required day make sure rested up early awake dress smartly appropriately confirm arrive minutes don t late should introduce yourself reception pause thinking time intervie...

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