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picture1_Communication Ppt 66066 | Interactive Activities To Identify Soft Skills   Marie Smith 2

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File: Communication Ppt 66066 | Interactive Activities To Identify Soft Skills Marie Smith 2
welcome today we are going to talk about what are soft skills why are soft skills important examples of soft skills qualities employers seek interactive activities to help your students ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Welcome today we are going to talk about what soft skills why important examples of qualities employers seek interactive activities help your students clients identify their and more crayons if you could be any crayon in the box which would definition opinion is for example hard technical job specific interpersonal demonstrated through teamwork leadership communication work ethic critical thinking prioritizing time management character traits that enhance a person s interactions with others importance because share one personal skill professional can teach reflection were shared...

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